Dementia Community News West Sussex

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See how you can help the Dementia Community in West Sussex.

There is a population of over 885,100 people living in West Sussex of which 42% live in a rural area. Of these 42%, 87% living in small towns and villages and 13% are dispersed, living in hamlets, farms, and houses across the county. 

If someone notices the symptoms of dementia developing in their loved one or themselves whilst living in a rural location it can sometimes be more difficult to access the services and support, they need. Getting to see at GP at a time that suits them best can also prove difficult. Most GP surgeries now have their own websites and can offer both online and telephone appointments. These websites also have other information around other support and can provide information for NHS online services as well.  

Seeking help and being prepared can help easy anxiety. If you are not online maybe a family member or a neighbour can help you with appointments and finding other support. Local transport is available in many rural locations within West Sussex and further information can be found at  West Sussex Minibus and Community Transport West Sussex. 

Carers can Register As a Carer | Carers Support West Sussex where they can find information and receive carer services that best suit their needs. The Farming community Network and Farmwell UK are organisations who can help people who are working in rural occupations such as farming. 

 Further Support and advice can be found at 

  • Alzheimer’s Society’s Helpline on 0333 150 3456. 
  • Aids to help you continue to live in your home, Alzheimer’s Society have a catalogue of useful aids. 
  • Age UK Advice Line on 0800 678 1602 (free) 
  • Independent Age Helpline on 0800 319 6789 (free) 
  • Dementia UK’s Admiral Nurse Dementia Helpline on 0800 888 6678  
  • Carers Direct helpline on 0300 028 8888  

 We offer talks to community groups in rural areas, prevention, awareness, symptoms, support, and future care planning, if you would like us to come along do fill in our contact’s page. 

Please look at our calendar to find local groups and activities happening near you.


Community News – Find out all that is happening in your local area from groups, clubs, and events to campaigns, such as Dementia Action Week. Find out what’s happening near you.

Community Blog – short informative stories written by our readers.  Both professionals and people living with dementia or caring for someone with dementia.

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